Use "due|dues" in a sentence

1. Dues all paid up.

2. Both the manorial lord's right to these dues and the Banality-dues

3. I haven't paid my dues yet.

4. Jim's dues were checked off every week.

5. Larry Burrows paid all his dues.

6. This was a brain that paid its dues.

7. I've paid my dues on time, ( Laughter )

8. Pay your dues and you get hired.

9. Robert failed to pay his dues last year.

10. 7 Q Are there any other condominium association dues?

11. But it is important that you pay your dues.

12. Members of the society pay $1000 in annual dues.

13. A favourable change would involve aligning those dues with those costs.

14. 23 The club members voted with one accord to raise the dues.

15. 5 The club members voted with one accord to raise the dues.

16. Similar conservatism is reflected in the treatment of revenue from feudal dues.

17. There are no dues or tithes that have to be paid.

18. 12 Usually the dues are calculated on the registered tonnage of the ship.

19. The Chandigarh Administration issued a clarification regarding submission of dues by CHB Allottees

20. Matters relating to compensation/terminal dues are actively pursued with employers/insurance companies.

21. Alumnae groups also collect local dues to fund their group events and activities

22. Write this one: Please complete and send the form with $ 200 for dues.

23. We dropped two members of the club who have not paid their dues.

24. You've already given notice to the work-force, though you haven't paid them their dues.

25. They were chucked out of the club for failing to pay the membership dues.

26. She paid her dues playing in clubs in the West Coast and New York.

27. " Hey Walter, how are you going to get these robots to pay union dues? "

28. At first I thought they were upset about the dues, which had been doubled.

29. At that time[Sentencedict], enough members paid their dues voluntarily to keep services going.

30. Each Division pays annual dues to help defray the expenses of mailing materials, meetings, etc.

31. As long as they paid their dues, they did not suffer interference from the Ixmarites.

32. Synonyms for Birthrights include heritage, patrimonies, inheritance, rights, dues, bequests, legacies, primogeniture, privilege and prerogatives

33. There are no dues or fees for Aa membership; we are self-supporting through our

34. - Union dues or parking codes with blanks in Field 67; 1 - Generates a PAC 77

35. Only 18 of the UN's 180 members had paid their dues by the January deadline.

36. They had a leadership, and members who paid dues and were organized in local groups.

37. Collectivity LLC is a debt collection agency providing businesses assistance with past dues accounts receivables.

38. In addition, own resources are available in the form of membership dues, donations and sales revenues.

39. 14 Only 18 of the UN's 180 members had paid their dues by the January deadline.

40. The cause of the following outburst is the receipt of notice of dues from the N.

41. There are no dues or fees for Aa membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions.

42. Right-to-work laws enable people to work in plants with unionized workforces without paying union dues.

43. Surely, if she was the caring person she makes out, she would insist on paying her dues.

44. Per extensió també es denominen Cuirasses a les armadures formades per dues peces fetes de cuir o metall.La cuirassa sí que compon de dues seccions principals, el peto (placa frontal) i la placa dorsal (placa posterior

45. There are no dues or fees for Aa membership; we are self supporting through our own contributions.

46. It is thought that Avidin’s positively charged resi-dues and its oligosaccharide component (heterogeneous structures composed largely of

47. And I'll yield the floor here for a second to Einstein, who, I believe, has paid his dues.

48. On his death there were then no freehold estates to pass and therefore no liability to feudal dues.

49. About Ats; Overview; Association Bylaws; Association Policy Guidelines; Board of Directors; Association Committees; Dues and Fees; Staff; Accrediting

50. In 2008, the University of Colorado Boulder launched the Forever Buffs initiative, eliminating annual dues for all Alumni

51. Matters relating to compensation and terminal dues as applicable, are actively pursued with employers and insurance companies concerned.

52. POLICY -- When there is an across-the-board change in union dues rates, no departmental input is required.

53. That presupposes that the levels of terminal dues agreed upon by the Parties reflect the actual delivery costs.

54. It pays Deutsche Post the terminal dues which, at the material time, amounted to DEM 0.36 per letter.

55. We're divorced now and he pays his dues, but won't have anything to do with me or our son.

56. To submit a secure payment, log in to your profile and select “Pay Alumnae per capita & local dues”.

57. Dole now backs a ban on PACs, soft money contributions and the use of dues to finance labor union donations.

58. They enjoy “closed shop” hiring and firing prerogatives, leadership elections by acclamation, mandatory dues without transparency, and immense political power.

59. Still, before the priest agreed to handle the funeral, I had to borrow 50 dollars to pay my back dues.

60. Amidst reports claiming India's first and only Formula One racetrack, the Buddh International Circuit, has been sealed over pending land dues, sources

61. We want something gaudy, or something black with white dues, anyway we want what you call your „true colors“ – fixed with photography.

62. Amount due: current amount due on the account

63. By the end of April, unpaid peacekeeping dues had reached $1.5 billion, with an additional $970 million unpaid for the regular budget.

64. However, I state again that enforcement procedures offer plenty of opportunities for some one to pay their dues and so avoid imprisonment.

65. Thus the Azimuth of due north is 0°, due east is 90°, due south is 180°, and due west is 270°

66. On cargo -The Charterers shall pay all dues, charges, duties and taxes customarily levied on the cargo, howsoever the amount thereof may be assessed.

67. On Vessel -The Owners shall pay all dues, charges and taxes customarily levied on the Vessel, howsoever the amount thereof may be assessed.

68. Conductress): Mister/Madam President, I find all, except those standing, in possession of the official membership dues card for the current calendar year

69. Aquest augment de contagis ha fet que ministeri i Autonomies es replantegin les actuacions acordades fa dues setmanes per a la Setmana Santa.

70. Michael Free at PATH says you have to figure out who will "choose, use and pay the dues" for a product like this.

71. Under the United States Internal Revenue Code, contributions or dues paid to the Uniform Code Council, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions.

72. Paying Your Dues Unlike chemists, who can find opportunities to enter the field upon completion of a Bachelor’s degree, Biochemists traditionally hold a …

73. America's working class has been paying union dues for decades, and with it, our unions have been building dignified, decent, and democratic workplaces for us.

74. It's due Monday.

75. For example, a celestial body due North has an Azimuth of 0º, one due East 90º, one due South 180º and one due West 270º.

76. There is the Carefulness to get, the Carefulness to hold, the Carefulness to place out at interest, the Carefulness to collect dues and so forth

77. When he offered to settle his dues , the honest tutor would not accept any payment , saying , " I have done nothing and only wasted your time . "

78. 5. Waive the dues outstanding as on date owed by the Government of Nepal to the Government of India on account of defence purchases. 6.

79. Submission of both annual Cam dues of $100 and documentation of six hours of continuing education credits should be submitted to complete the annual Cam renewal

80. (a) (b) & (c) India continues to be one of the largest troop contributors to UN peacekeeping operations notwithstanding delays in reimbursement of dues by the UN.